
Who’s my neighbor?

My neighbor goes to a church called Vision Church that’s been supporting my family this past year. It’s all the more impressive because we’re of different tribes.


Citrus Betty, the playa

My life is very different but with some unifying things. Just trying to move on as best I can. Mainly for the kid. Suppose it doesn’t really matter why I move on, just that I do.


Asking them how to do it

Saw some more friends the other day in Flushing. Thought I was doing pretty well but memories – the bad sort – just kinda creep up and hit you outta nowhere.


Dead reckoning

This fella said that, “The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.”


How many times have you called 911?

I’ve called 911 twice in my life, last night being the second time. A woman was bloodied and screaming outside my door last night.


The Moon Festival 2013, the Walnut family, and the revolving door

Went to see my parents yesterday. Turns out it’s the 2013 Moon Festival this week. And my mom told me a sad story.


I’d rather have a king or emperor than a Weiner or a Palin

Always believed that non-merit based leadership is wrong. But are the Weiners and Palins really better two exceptionally educated soldiers who lost their mother in youth?


Growing into one’s self

Winston Churchill once said that, “Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong.” That’s the thing, isn’t it? *If* they grow at all?


Chris Gethard and being kind for no reason

It’s easy to be cruel for no reason; it’s just as easy to be kind Actually, that same day I saw the foozball table from my last entry, I was in Chinatown earlier. Was starving so I popped into a dive that had 20 dumplings for $4. That was great. Not so great was the […]


You either just do it or you don’t

Me: I’m sorry I’m late. Him: It’s fine. I’m just glad you came. Yesterday was a strange and sad day. Part of my job’s to do site inspections around the state for things. Yesterday, was in an orthodox Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn checking out a building when the property contact and I went to the […]