Was taking a quick break from work this week and someone told me they saw an ex being interviewed on TV so I watched the vid. She looked good and it sounds like her job’s going well. I’m glad. Hard to believe it was over four years ago.
It’s funny, that guy that loved her so I don’t even know any more.
Douglas Adams once said, I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.
We all think we’re the king of pain at one point or another. The sane people realize that we have no idea what we’re talking about.
Watched it for another minute before I flicked it off and went back to work.
HG’s brother’s staying over as the first member of her family in our pad. This is cool cause, first of all, he’s a nice fella. Second of all, it forces me to get things done to free up my evening; dunno the last time I had a free evening.
Finally, we get to go out for sushi. Win/win/(win) for all concerned.
If you’re looking for me, look for the grown man in the corner stuffing his cheeks like a chipmunk with raw fish and seaweed.
Location: in fronta my desk, under a deadline
Mood: rushed
Music: I have stood here before inside the pouring rain
YASYCTAI: Get those projects done! (Four days/1 pt)