Really great
For the first time in 27 years, my mom and my sister and her family came to my pad for Thanksgiving.
Mom: Thank you for inviting us!
Me: Are you kidding? I can’t believe you’re here!
We had to do it early, though, because the Firecracker had to get her kid to her ex’s for the late afternoon.
This meant that my family all would be arriving at 1:30 to eat and I wanted food ready for them.
This meant that the Firecracker and I got up mad early and got to work.
Continuing with Alison’s tradition of making chicken instead of turkey – which is now my tradition and my mom and sister’s as well – I made that Parthian Chicken dish for them.
It took me two days because I wanted to get it just right.
Plus, I made two of them.
They came out perfectly!

I also made some mac and cheese for the boys – my sister has two boys, I have the boy, and the Firecracker has a son as well.
That was a huge hit with them, as was the chicken for everyone else.
And I got them some dumplings, which were actually not as much a hit with the boys as I’d hoped.
As was the mashed potatoes that the Firecracker made completely from scratch.
Her: We have a five pound bag of potatoes. How many should I make.
Me: Five?
Her: (shrugging) OK, five pounds of mashed potatoes, coming up.
She also made a broccoli casserole, which I love, from scratch, as well as some beef with broccoli, Chinese-style, but from a kit.
My sis made an absolutely delicious low-carb chocolate cake while my brother-in-law made a killer apple and cranberry pie.
I insisted that they take the pie home because: (a) I prefer pie to cake, (b) it was legit delicious – I was very impressed – but not low-carb so I knew I would eat the entire thing if left in my house.
We were all stuffed in short order.
The kids got to play a bit while the rest of us just chatted and caught up.
We were done pretty early and my family were on the road before dinnertime, along with lots of leftovers for everyone.
Firecracker: You mom said I should bring something to my ex.
Me: Yeah, you should. (thinking) OMG, give him some potatoes. We can’t have it in the house.
Her: Cause you’ll eat it?
Me: Cause I’ll eat it.
Had a chance to talk to my mom before she left.
Me: So, what did you think, mom?
Her: You gave me so much food! Normally, I would eat a lot less but I wanted to make you happy.
Me: Honestly, I’m just glad you came.
Her: Oh, we’ll come again!
Me: That would be great, mom. It’d be really great. Thanks for coming.
Location: The gym, for the first time in months.
Mood: sore
Music: Wish that I was somewhere with you (Spotify)
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