A Skybridge to Nowhere
Him: What is that?
Me: That’s a skybridge. When I was a kid, people thought that – by 2025 – we’d all have flying cars so they would build these bridges between buildings so people could get around easier if we were all flying around. There are still a few left in NYC.
The kid noticed the below skybridge one late night when we were out with the Firecracker just outside Penn Station.
Now we’re on a quest to visit some of them if we can.

Learned how to speed read around middle school.
I’d already read pretty quickly but I read something once that said that the simplest way to speed read is to read with your finger, but for a peculiar reason.
Take the sentence:
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
Most people don’t read it like that, they read it like this:
The quick quick brown fox fox jumped jumped over the the lazy dog dog.
They go back at least one word, sometimes two.
You probably do it too. Try it.
Just read a sentence with your finger and force your finger to constantly move forward.
At first, it’s a bit disconcerting but you get used to it after a few weeks.
That alone should increase your reading speed, significantly.
Nowadays, I probably read normally around 650 words a minute with full comprehension and as much as 750 if I really focus.
Now, I’m not telling you this to brag but to say that I was sitting bed one day watching this clip of Bill Barr commenting on meeting flat earthers.
It allowed me to finally answer the question: Where’s my flying car?

See, I assumed that, by now, I’d be flying around in my car. Instead, we got this monstrosity.
What happened?
I think that humans take two steps forward and one step back.
Like we got rid of the measles.
Because most people have no memories of just how horrific the measles were.
Then fucking morons like RFK Jr come along and say that measles aren’t a big deal because they have no fucking clue.
Then a lotta people die.
Then we gotta figure out the measles again.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
The Arabs were once some of the most brilliant people on the planet, giving us algebra (al-jabr) and the House of Wisdom, among other things.
Then religious zealots took over and burned books and so much knowledge was lost.
Although, to be fair, this happened everywhere: China, England, Nazi Germany, even right here in the good ole US of A.
The US even had one just last year.
That’s why people, particularly the willfully ignorant ones, are such a disappointment to me.
There’s no end to stupid people doing stupid things and other stupid people cheering them on.
Him: Why don’t we have any flying cars, papa?
Me: Because there are so many stupid people in the world, kid. For every two steps forward, we make as a society, we take one step backward.
Him: Awww…a flying car would be cool.
Me: It really would be.
As I was writing this entry, this article just came out about almost all Tesla Cybertrucks needing to be recalled.
You cannot make this stuff up.
Location: The sunny upper west side
Mood: disappointed
Music: Boy, I don’t understand (Spotify)
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