Two miles in Summer
Her: It’s a nice night – we should walk home.
Me: That’s like two miles!
Her: Cm’on, you said you didn’t go to the gym today…
After we left the theatre, we she decided to walk home – I figured I’d walk up with her as well.
It was a madhouse.
Her: Once we make it past 50th, it’ll be better.
Me: I know, I used to live here.
Her: Then you know!
It was actually busy until about 52nd, but it definitely got better.
We walked by some outdoor vendors selling goods.
Me: Man, that’s gotta be miserable.
Her: (nods)
We walked past the Ed Sulivan Theatre, which I always did when I went to Fordham but lived in Times Square. I told her some stories about that time.
What little I could remember, anywho.
After a while, we got to Lincoln Center, which was having a dance party of some sort.
But we were too hot to linger for too long.
After we got back, she had to go pick up her kid and I had to toss out a buncha things for recycling.
It was a nice ending to a nice night out.
The kid’s back this weekend. I cannot wait to see him.
Location: the LES, watching the premiere of I’m Not An Activist at DCTV
Mood: troubled
Music: I’m right back where I started (Spotify)
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