Key Lime Pies rock
Him: You seem like a somewhat trustworthy person. Would you mind if I drop off a set of house keys for you to mind while we’re in Australia? Not for any specific purpose, just a precaution.
Me: Sure. Completely unrelated, but where do you keep your valuables and large bills?
Him: [The wife] would say the cats.
Me: What are their resale value? Again, just making conversation here.
Him: I am having second thoughts.
Me: Fair. I can’t fault you there.
My buddy and his family went off to a place called “Australia” – which is a real place, evidently – for the summer and asked me to hold onto a set of keys for him JIC.
The below is what he tossed over my gate.
The joke’s on him when he realizes that I’ve rented his apartment out to a lovely Asian family for half of what he’s currently paying.
(It’s me. I’m the lovely Asian family)
On a different matter entirely, the Firecracker and I’ve been staying local for the most part but since the kids are both away, we’ve been just streaming films and eating at local bars.
The beauty of day-drinking is that we can both kinda work so long as we have an internet connection.
Although the use of the term, “work,” is loose, at best.
Another thing we have in common is that neither of us cook a lot during the summer as it’s so damn hot.
So, we just eat a lotta prepared food or food that we just need to assemble, like sandwiches or this killer caprese I made the other day.
We’re both pretty simple people that like simple things.
Me: I don’t think I’ve ever had a key lime pie.
Her: Really!? We have to get you one, then.
Me: Won’t argue with you there.
Oh, and Key Lime Pies rock.
Should get a bigger one next time.
Location: my (own) apartment, wishing I had some pie
Mood: sneezy
Music: Ain’t it such a good life that we live (Spotify)
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2 replies on “I’m a somewhat trustworthy person”
if key lime pie is on the menu I’m ordering it. period.
These are good life rules.