
Bad letters

Got a letter from the city, which is never a good thing. And it wasn’t.

Needing a drink

Her: What’s wrong?
Me: I got a letter from the city.
Her: And…?
Me: That’s never a good thing. (opening it) Annnnd…it definitely isn’t.

Looks like it’s gonna be bread and water for me and the kid for the forseeable future.

That’s not entirely true.

He’s back at his grandparents, my in-laws, for the last couple of weeks of summer.

So, he’s probably eating like a prince.

Which is not to say that things are that bad around here.

Her: The kids are away and the weather’s beautiful, you wanna go for a walk?
Me: [After that letter] I could use a drink.
Her: What about The Wallace?
Me: That works for me.

So, off we went.

The place was perfect; we were early enough that there were only a few people there.

The waitress was sweet and comped us some fries.

Me: So much for me trying to avoid carbs.
Her: Just don’t eat them.
Me: We both know that’s not gonna happen.

And then afterward, we took a leisurely stroll back.

I’ll start with the bread and water tomorrow.

Location: at H Mart, looking for kombucha with the Firecracker
Mood: pensive
Music: No time to stress; leave it all behind (Spotify)
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2 replies on “Bad letters”

Logan! I’m so happy you are still with Ms 🧨
you deserve happiness and partnership.
your post about Alison hit me in the feels. obviously I did not know her at all, only my cyber interactions thru her old blog, pure provender. she was a good one. her kindness and humor and wit came thru the screen. I don’t know if we really ever get over grief. it’s been over 7 years since my mom died and most of the time I make it thru the day without thinking of her and crying but right now I miss her so much my eyeballs are involuntarily leaking.

getting old sucks. when I first “met” you, I was in my 20s. now I’m very much middle aged and going to more doctors appointments in two years than I’ve gone to in my whole life combined. women’s hormones are no joke and so misunderstood in the medical community.

ketchup is delicious. I especially like McDonald’s ketchup and heinz. no organic, low sugar crap for me. hfcs! as a Chicagoan, I’m supposed to hate ketchup on hot dogs but I have to say it’s classic. mustard and ketchup is a tried and true combo.

I’ll be back in 6 months to a year to catch up on your posts. 🤦‍♀️ reading blogs just isn’t in my brain space anymore but I think about you from time to time and try to catch that moment to see what you’re up to.

I LOVE that you remember “Pure Provender.” Every once in a while, I’ll come across some pictures for the blog that she asked me to edit for her and I try to remember what we were doing and what we talked about. It’s such a struggle to remember things from back then; something about grief really messes up your brain in general and your memories in particular.

Well, I’m always thrilled when an old reader comes back and mentions that they’re still reading. I’m just happy that you’re still doing it, however sporadic that might be.

And thank you for remembering Alison. That means the world to me.

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