
Outside Canada

At least traveling from work is a good distraction if you’re just getting over a breakup.

Seedy motels and insomnia

Been upstate since Monday; the work is mind-numbing but it’s a good distraction.

Right now, I’m on a bed that looks like it’s been using the same cover since the 70s. As I told several people, any hotel with “quality” in it’s name is bound not to have any. The oddest thing is that there’s a very old, small sticker in the bathroom that says “Please do not use the linen for anything besides bathing.”

What those other options are, are a mystery to me – and frankly a bit disconcerting.

The weirdest thing about being this far north is that there’s just no mobile reception – at least for Sprint. It’s maddening. I had to go out and buy a headset to make calls on my computer.

Another strange thing that happened to me this morning was that I had a dream about No. 2 except she was actually No. 6; she just looked like No. 2. I thought it was real when I woke up.

Speaking of which, I’ve been having lots of trouble sleeping again. I always have trouble sleeping when I travel and now is no different. At least I’m being super productive although not with work.

So actually, you could say that I’m just honing my procrastination skills.

Location: 9:05PM: Some seedy motel near the Canadian border
Mood: sleepy
Music: minor catastrophes bring me to my knees
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