
That’s a weird question

Won’t be seeing her around

I cut my hair finally because we shot all my scenes for 72nd to Canal. Psyched. I hated that haircut.

To continue in the vein of my Monday post, my friends have been mocking me incessantly about how I hold my left hand when I stand. It’s worse when I’m out and about.

I never noticed it until they mentioned it. I think it’s because of my fencing class because I don’t do it with my right hand.

Speaking of my fencing class, I met this brown-eyed girl outside of it whom I’m sure is from NJ:

Her: (concerned and eyeing what’s in my hand) I’m sorry, do you live here?
Me: No, I take a fencing class here. Don’t worry, it’s not real.
Her: (relieved) Oh, that’s great, do you like it?
(15 minutes of conversation later)
Me: I’m sorry, this is going to sound like a weird question, but are you a vegetarian?
Her: (laughing) That is a weird question! I’m actually a pescatarian, that means…
Me: (nodding) …you only eat fish. Right.
Her: I’d better let you get to your class, Logan. See you around?
Me: See you around, Jen.

I won’t be seeing Jen around.

Location: on a green twin-sized bed
Mood: full
Music: faded jeans I hope you get your dreams Just go ahead

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