
Birds of a Feather / Circumstance

Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it. The people with whom you choose to surround yourself are mirrors to your values.

Your friends are mirrors to yourself

Well, I had both a fantastic and craptastic weekend rolled into one. Lemme sort and get back to you.
Did go to a new church with a girl that had the nicest grey eyes though.


  • Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it. Ernest S. Holmes
  • Our environment, the world in which we live and work, is a mirror of our attitudes and expectations.Earl Nightingale
  • I am no Einstein. – Albert Einstein

OK, I just threw that last one in to screw with you.

I told you I cut a few people recently, yeah? They no longer reflect who I am. The people with whom you choose to surround yourself are mirrors to your values.

I submit that the five things that you wrote down that you admire about someone are five things you respect about yourself, wish you had yourself, or think you can have yourself, if only circumstances were different.

Conversely, the five things that you don’t admire about that other person, you secretly fear you could be, do, or have, yourself – again, if only circumstances were different.

Love that word, circumstance.

You and I are only ever separated from everyone else by that one thing and that one thing alone.

Ah, but what a thing that is…

Location: 3PM yest, upper east side
Mood: disappointed
Music: One time a thing occurred to me what’s real and what’s for sale?
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16 replies on “Birds of a Feather / Circumstance”

On friends:"mirrors who reflect parts of me I never knew existed, showing me the person I am and the person I can become; without their reflections, I would lack in my introspections and not grow to be a better person"I have the tendency to cut the fat as well. I belive it's necessary. But I guess things have been okay considering I haven't done that in awhile.

[…] that, if you’ve not found your person, you’ve at least found your people. They’re your mirrors and help you find see yourself. And, looking close, y’see just how small your problems are in […]

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