Not everyone gets in
Here’s a post I did on the fire in my hood.
Her: I don’t understand. Why do these things keep happening to me?
Me: Cause you give your blessings away too early. I think of myself like Harvard: Anyone can apply, but not everyone makes the cut.
Her: I’m not like that. I fall quickly and hard; I’m very passionate. I like falling in love.
Me: How’s that worked out for you?
Her: (pause) Touche.
If your life isn’t as you want it, I submit that it’s that way cause, whether you’ll admit it or not, you’re getting something from it.
If you’re the victim, the doormat, the outsider, I submit that some part of you wants to be that way. Cause you know your lines, you know your cues. You know the role. And there’s a comfort in that.
Change is tough. Sometimes it’s easier to be the victim – to blame things outside your control. But it’s a crap role.
There’s this saying that goes, If you keep doing what you do, you keep getting what you get.
Expect more from yourself, then you can expect more from others.
Look, why don’t you give yourself permission be the person you wanna be already? Then this stuff’ll stop happening to you.
Location: 6:15, awake in my bed
Mood: content
Music: my tongue is sand until the iridescent band begins to play
6 replies on “Harvard”
If you are Harvard, I will be Cooper Union.
Cause we're both cool like that.
Change is so very tough.
well said ll, well said.haha nice g. đŸ™‚
[…] Like I said, I’ve been trying to do things differently these days. After all, if you keep doing what you do, you keep getting what you get. […]
[…] Her: (mischievously) Anything you want to tell me? Me: I take it you found the blog? Her: (laughing) It’s the first thing that showed up when I googled you. Me: (shrugging) I never mention it because it’s so easy to find. Her: You date a lot. Me: (nodding) I do. I like to say that I’m like Harvard. Anyone can apply, not everyone makes the cut. […]