Location: 8:12 – arriving at work
Mood: confused
Music: I never meant the things I did

Me: You’re supposed to look before you cross!
We watch the Olympic ceremonies on Friday and go for a walk in the park. Saturday, wrestle and get can-opened by a smiling girl. 16 tabs of ibuprofen later, I crash two parties…
…almost get into two fights, but don’t (not really, anywho)…
WM: It’s you, man. The same reason why that girl talked to you outside the bar is the same reason why those two guys wanted to fight with you.
Him: I’m telling you, y’give off a vibe.
…hurt some people…
Me: Are you crying?
Me: Are you lying to me?
…and go to church with LisaV, before I hit up a rooftop party with WM and Paul. Later, meet up with someone for a late night chat.
I should trust in the system. But I’m so lost. I need a sign.
2 replies on “Lost”
late night chats are the best
Aren't they though?