Location: my desk
Mood: frick’n tired
Music: make me work so we can work it out

Two months ago.
Her: Hey…have you noticed a funny smell here?
Me: Hmmm, I’m not sure. I did start making sauerkraut last week though.
Her: Where?
Me: Here. (pointing) In my bedroom.
Her: Oh – that’s got to go.
Me: Where’m I gonna put it?!
Her: Don’t know, but it’s not staying on the floor in your room.
Me: (grumble)
This week.
Me: Hey, I think my sauerkraut’s ready, want some?
Her: No.
Me: More for me then.
Me: So what do you wanna to do?
Her: Let’s go on a date – all we ever do these days is sit around and frick’n yell at each other.

2 replies on “What she has to put up with”
Do you use a vinegar or salt sauerkraut??
Just salt, nothing else. It's so good…Sorry for the late response!