I thought she was too tough to ever go away

This conversation happened around 1982.
Me: Is it dead?
Her: (taking cigarette out) Nah. (exhaling smoke and looking up) I think it just fell outta it’s nest.
Me: We have to help it, we have to get it back!
Her: Fine, fine. Hold on. (leaning over to pick up the robin in one hand and with her cigarette in the other, climbs up tree, deposits bird, climbs back down) There – y’happy?
Me: (beaming) Yes, grandma.
Her: (smiling then putting cigarette back in mouth) Good. Cm’on kid, your mom’s waiting.
We all thought y’were too tough to ever go away.
It’s raining here, which sounds about right
Location: my hot room
Mood: only ok
Music: And rain will make the flowers grow