
John Fairfax killed a shark too

A reporter didn’t believe Fairfax killed a shark with a knife, so he went out, killed another one, and brought it to him. I don’t sleep well, but I dream a lot.

The limits of our imagination are the limits of our world


When we meet people, we often describe them by what they do – like The Accountant, or The Schoolteacher.

Suppose it’s because we’re all know by what we do. If that’s the case, then, we can choose what it is we are.

I think that people that meet me in one part of my life are surprised by the other parts. Those that know me as a fencing instructor are probably surprised I’m a lawyer. My real estate clients are probably surprised I write.

The thing is that – I feel – the more someone respects me for being a lawyer, the less they believe I can fence.

There’s something about people that find it impossible to believe that someone can excel at two things. Let alone three, or more.

This fella named John Fairfax once rowed across the Atlantic by himself in two months. Since that was pretty well-documented, no one had a problem believing that he did that.

The problem happened when he said that during his trip, a giant mako shark attacked him so he killed it with a knife.

A reporter with the Miami Herald scoffed at this part of the story, which so pissed Fairfax off that Fairfax rented a boat, poured fish blood into the water, waited for a shark to come, killed that shark, then dragged the shark’s dead body to the steps of the Miami Herald and dumped it there.

The moral of the story is people scoff all of time when they meet someone who does something out of their own view of the world. It’s like that saying I love: A frog in a well knows nothing of the ocean.

My buddy Johnny was the guy that first taught me how to fight – I mean really taught me. He just bought a $19 million building in midtown Manhattan. My wrasslin coach also has an Ivy League Ph.D in Japanese history.

People find it hard to believe things they feel they couldn’t do. Their world is limited by their own beliefs in their own abilities.

In other words, their understanding of the world is limited by their imagination.

It’s hard to constantly stretch our imagination as we get older but I try. It helps having friends that dream too.

With nods to Michel Gondry, I’m not a very good sleeper.

But I dream a lot.

Mood: amused
Music: should have said long ago: You don’t know me
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7 replies on “John Fairfax killed a shark too”

You hit the nail on the head. I'm one of the unimaginative folk who can't seem to grasp what is it I'm capable of doing. Maybe it also has to do with fear of humiliation and failure.

Hopefully, I'll find myself on the other side of the fence where I won't be so scared to dream.

Heya – well, recognizing an issue is the first step in fixing that issue.

I say, aim high and fail big if you fail at all.

So true. I used to be a full-time musician, and now I'm in my last year of business school. When I run into people from my music days, they have a hard time believing I know a damn thing about economics, while my business school people think I'm full of it when I say I used to have a record deal.

I don't buy into that way of thought, because I believe that motivated people can do just about anything.

I'm glad that you don't buy into that way of thought because that alone separates you from most people.

I think that we can – and should – pursue those things we love to the highest point possible because we're the sum of our experiences.

Speaking of musicians, Duffy from Guns and Roses went back to school and learned accounting. Was going to write about that but put it off. Maybe I'll do that soon!

He and Izzy always seemed like the smart ones. I learned to play bass to "My Michelle" and "Sweet Child," pretty crazy that Duff now has a business that teaches musicians how to understand the goings-on of financial accounting.

I think that if I ever could play and instrument, there would def be some GnR in there.

I think the smart ones always prep for the second act; the smart ones usually know there's more than just one stage in life.

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