The lazy man’s way to help the Philippines
I was out the other night attending a seminar that my buddy was giving about internet marketing.
Went there mostly to support him but ended up learning a great deal about it. It’s always interesting when you see another side to people that you know.
Afterward, was heading home when I saw the Pieface food chain across the street and picked up some pies. Meat pies are something I would think would be a huge hit here and yet it’s not. They were so @#$@#$@# good.
Now I want another one. Pie. Made of meat. Brilliant.
The wife thought it was a pleasant surprise, which is also good because I tend to bring home things that are usually not so.
Her: If you’re going out, can you pick up paper towels?
Me: Paper towels, got it. (leave, come back)
Her: (looking into bag) So, by paper towels you thought I meant a bag of Doritos and a bag of Cheetos?
Me: Dammit!
On a more serious note, I present another very easy, lazy way to help the world – in this case the Philippines.
I just sent a few bucks to the Philippines Red Cross via PayPal and it took about two minutes here.
$5 would help greatly and is about the cost of a nice cuppa joe. $5 and two minutes a small price to pay to help save the world, I think.
Location: my safe home
Mood: concerned
Music: Crossed the sea to find a brother
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4 replies on “PieFace and the Philippines”
Thanks, Logan!
Of course! To those whom much is given, much is expected.
Everyone should help, however they can.
Beautiful pics on your blog, btw!
u’re a pieface
No, you are!