Am I being selfish?
I’ve talked about Selene a lot in the past. She was the Greek goddess of the moon. When I was single, in my late night insomnia, she was my constant companion.
Used to look up and ask: “OK, who’s our lucky contestant tonight?”
Story goes that Selene loved a mortal and begged Zeus to give him everlasting life. He did, but there was a catch – there’s always a catch – the man would live forever, but only if he slept.
A report came out a week ago that said lots of thinking – essentially being awake – could lead to a spike in brain cancer for those that had it.
Anecdotally, we think that part of the reason Alison survived so long is because she slept for months after the surgery.
Always felt it was selfish of Selene to keep her love asleep to simply keep him with her.
How is that love?
Wonder if I’m being selfish now. It’s easy for me to say to Alison that she has to fight. She’s the one fighting.
And she’s been fighting for 18 months straight. That’s actually not true – she’s been fighting things for five years straight.
However brave and strong you think my wife is, you only know half the story. She is stronger – and the story, more tragic – than you know. I’ll tell you about it soon.
Because you should know how very special she is.
Back to Selene: To what kind of life did she condemn the one she loved most?
And what of me to Alison?
Her: Can I go to sleep?
Me: Yes. I’m right here.
Location: at the foot of her bed
Mood: indescribable
Music: Everyone knows I’m in over my head
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