Except in reverse
Speaking of sad stories, I finally told Lviv mine before she went home for a bit.
Her: Can I ask what happened yet?
Me: I suppose you earned my sad stories. I’ll need some rum. (deep breath)
Her: (later) I’m sorry, Logan.
Me: Yeah, so am I.
Her: (wipes eyes) Man, I need a drink now.
Me: Yeah.
Her: I’m glad she had you.
Me: Yeah. (sighing) Lucky her. She was Queen of my Heart and I was her guard.
Lviv’s heart is in NYC but her home’s somewhere else.
I understand that all too well, except in reverse.
I took that pic of Alison/Heartgirl the second night I ever met her. Told her that, if she was my Ship in the Night Girl, I’d marry her someday. I never said that to anyone.
She laughed. But she was.
She had the most beautiful green eyes and happy laugh.
There’s no sin I wouldn’t commit to see and hear them again.
Podcast Version
Location: my hot, hot, home
Mood: drunk
Music: Your love is a secret I’m hoping, dreaming, dying to keep (Spotify)
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