It’s my life that’s funny
It was Pac’s birthday the other night and he wanted to have something at Solas, as our usual tradition, so I set it up.
Coincidentally, the following picture showed up on my feed on FB the same day.
Again, there’s been a ton of weird coincidences around me lately, although, really, it was for his birthday four years ago, so it wasn’t entirely unexpected.
Mouse was going to be there this year as well. We’ve not communicated in a while. It’s funny because she and I were two totally different people when that picture was taken.
The moment I arrived, shots were being passed around. The joint was packed – even Tom from Scenic Fights and Katrina showed up.
Pac was having a grand time from the moment he arrived to the moment he stumbled out the door home.
Early on, was able to take some clear pics…
…but, as the night went on, my pics got worse and worse because there was alcohol everywhere…
…so my pics started ending up like this.
Seriously, everywhere.
Met a woman named Jenna at the bar who wanted to come into Pac’s (private) party but I felt that would be rude to Mouse so I told her she couldn’t.
Her: …26. You?
Me: (laughing)
Her: (laughing as well) What’s so funny?
Me: My life, darling. Lovely meeting you, reallly.
But there was also a dude that was pestering me all night – I tried to hint that I wasn’t gay – but he kept randomly showing up until Mouse brought him over to sit with us, so I had to leave.

A lotta of the night was blur. At one point I was outside with another drunk woman who had to pee. Like, right then and there.
Me: We can go back to Solas, you know.
Her: I’m going right here, between the cars.
Me: Wait, what?! (she does so) Welp, this is a new level I’ve unlocked. (later) I’ll join you. Stand in front of me…
In my defense, she had lovely eyes, I had a lot to drink, and she was very convincing.
There’s more but this is getting long and I’m writing it on a train pulling into Penn Station, so I’ll continue it later on this week.
Location: on a train just outside Plainfield, NJ, writing this and tomorrow’s entry
Mood: guilty
Music: should have fallen out of love with you by now (Spotify)
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