All the good and nonea the bad
Just a random story; in the middle of our vacation, it seems a small fire broke out somewhere on the ship.
I was pretty alarmed and went to make sure everything was ok.
Ultimately, I found a buncha crew members taking off their fire protective gear, which made me feel a lot better.
That’s pretty much the end of our summer vacation.
But I just wanna leave you with one word of advice: On a Disney cruise, don’t order the green whiskey drink they have.
It’s so bad, I returned it.
And you know that I never return food and drink.
Her: Return it.
Me: I don’t do that.
Her: Well, then drink it.
Me: (sighing) I’ll return it.
Him: (singing) Dadadadada…chicken butt.
Me: Legit kid, where are you learning alla this stuff?
Him: I just made it up!
Me: Great…
The relaxation of our vacation seems long gone as I get the kid ready for school.
When I was a kid, summer vacation seemed like it lasted forever during most of it but towards the end, I recall that I always felt it was too short.
I’m gonna guess that our summer vacations were very different – yours and mine.
And, certainly, mine were pretty different from my kid’s because this summer he’s been on:
- Two vacations requiring a plane.
- One cruise.
- Two camps.
My summers, for the most part, involved me being the library from sunup to sundown.
That is, if we weren’t going on a family trip to Taiwan to see relatives.
As I got older, like my early teens, we went on more vacations because my parents both started making some money.
But that was much later in my life, I think.
I was mentioning to the Firecracker that I felt my parents did the best they could do but they weren’t perfect – what parent is?
Me: I’d like to take all the good and helpful things my parents did and give them to the kid but not all the stuff that didn’t work for us, [my siblings and me].
Her: Sure, I think that’s what every parent wants.
Me: Yeah. I remember my friend Somena saying to me years ago that it’s tricky, how much of our past to take with us to our future. It’s even trickier as a parent.
Her: That’s for sure, Lo.
Here’s hoping I don’t mess the kid up too much.
Location: NJ, having lamb with the kid
Mood: hungry
Music: Mama, come here. Approach, appear. And Daddy, I’m alone (Spotify)
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