That’s what I tell myself
My friends rented out the entire association, so we had the run of things.
The kids went upstairs to the animal/game room; I think I had seen it briefly once ages ago.
As for me, I was mainly interested in shoveling as much food as I humanly could into my piehole.
But as soon as I finished one thing, other things came out, so I probably definitely overindulged.
The Surgeon’s mom gave a really nice speech towards the end.
The Firecracker and I chatted about it in between my aforementioned stuffing of le face.
Firecracker: Can you imagine your baby boy turning 50?
Me: Not at all.
Her: You probably won’t even be alive then – although I probably will be.
Me: I’ll be a spry 92!
Her: (rolls eyes)
We woulda stayed longer but the rain was really coming down and I had an all-day shoot with the Scenic fights guys the very next day so we left before a lotta the other people.
The kid: Do we have to go?
Me: It’s late AND it’s gonna be daylight savings so you’re gonna go to bed like at midnight tonight as it is.
Him: (eyes open in wonderment) Really?! Wow, that’s so late.
Me: (nodding) Yup, and that’s why we gotta leave.
The very next day – with less than four hours sleep – I had an all-day Scenic Fights shoot.
Things didn’t go exactly as planned and I’m now running from the law.
I suppose that’s neither here nor there.
Location: earlier today, watching my son do a hip-throw and then take side control to mount
Mood: busy
Music: I’m lucky I’ve got good people helpin’ me out (Spotify)
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[…] last year, I got him a nice bottle of rum at the Downtown […]