Managing the world
Like I said, the kid started school the other day.
Him: (the morning of) I’m a little scared.
Me: Makes sense. But you’re always a little concerned about your first day of school and it’s always worked out ok, hasn’t it?
Him: I guess so?
Me: (6.5 hours later) How was it?
Him: Great! My teacher is the nicest teacher, ever!
Me: Ever?! Well, high praise. See, it all worked out.
The rest of it is his story to tell and he’s getting older so I’ll stop here.
But, because he was in school, I was able to dash down to midtown to grab lunch with the NFL Player and my buddy Thor.
Waitress: What would you like to drink?
Me: Seeing it’s the middle of the day, how about a White Russian?
Him: Sensible.
It was nice seeing the fellas, whom I see a lot less these days, now that I’ve switched gyms.
Thor: I got this one.
Me: Dammit, I shoulda ordered more alcohol.
Hopped the train back to the UWS with the NFL player and we caught up – he’s been doing really well at his gym and I, mine.
Also spoke to Thor a few days later as he had an issue that was troubling him but turned out to be just fine.
Him: Thanks good news on [that] front; [its] too long to put in text but main thing is that I’m ok!
Me: YES! Here’s to good news whereever we find it.
Him: Thanks for checking in Logan it means a lot man.
Me: After all we’ve been through now? Of course!
The world’s a lot more manageable with good friends that are also good souls.
Location: earlier today, with the kid pushing a safe down Broadway
Mood: busy, busy, busy
Music: I’m up all night, howlin’ at you – tables have turned (Spotify)
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3 replies on “It all worked out”
Hi! Long time reader, first time leaving a comment. Or a question, actually. You have mentioned a few times lately that you recently switched gyms again but you haven’t said anything about why. I know it’s completely nosy and odd to ask a complete stranger but I admit I’m curious since you have written about your previous gyms and struggles with them. Beyond that I wish you and yours all good things forever and always.
Oh, it’s a complicated story; essentially, the head coach and I didn’t see eye-to-eye on the direction of the gym (I was a partner in it) so we just parted ways. The new gym I go to is also much closer to my place (15 minutes versus 45) so I’ve been saving a solid hour of travel each day. I think everyone’s happy with this new arrangement.
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