Doing a good deed
My fave local dive bar put in a kitchen not that long ago – I think they did it over COVID, maybe?
But it really doesn’t offer much. Historically, it was a BYO food joint, with a ton of people, myself included, that used to order pizzas and stuff to the bar itself.
Well, the Firecracker wanted to hang out at a bar the other night, but she also wanted a banh mi while I was kinda in the mood for a gyro.
Me: I know! We can each get exactly what we want and bring it over to the dive bar.
Her: That works for me as long as we get to sit outside and enjoy the weather.
Me: Done!
So, we did just that.
Ended up sitting next to these three young British sailors that were in town until 3AM.
Me: Oh, fellas, you’re in the wrong bar. You should be at Tiki Chik or someplace like that.
Her: Yeah, there are no women here, but there’s definitely gonna be girls there.
They appreciated the suggestion and left.
We were happy to have done a good deed and had a nice dinner with drinks for ourselves.
There’s a lot to be said for a simple life.
On that note, the kid just got back to start school.
I’m super excited but also a bit sad in that the years seem to be sprinting by.
If only I could keep him my little boy just a little bit longer.
Location: the start of a new school year
Mood: anxious but hopeful
Music: don’t know if this is real life – what happens if I open my eyes? (Spotify)
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