And then lunch in Chinatown
Her: It happened!
Me: What?
Her: My papers! The judge signed off on everything, we’re done!
Me: Sweeeeet – I’ll head down with you so you can grab a copy.
The Firecracker’s been involved in a legal matter for the better part of a year now and it was finally resolved last week (in a manner that made her happy).
So, early the other day, we took a train down to the court house together to get an official copy of everything.
Managed to get a copy and get out the door in less than an hour.
Afterward, we walked down to Chinatown to get some food.
Along the way, she noticed a cute little bookstore:
Her: OMG, that’s the best name: Yu and Me Books!
While we didn’t stop in, we did stop to get some cherimoyas, which are essentially Asian pawpaws.
They were $10 each so basically the same price as a domestic pawpaw.
Afterward, we made our way to a local greasy spoon.
Me: Could we get everything in takeout containers? We have to eat and run.
Waiter: Sure thing.
The Firecracker had to dash back to work so she left while I made my way back to work, belly full.
Not a bad way to spend a morning that involved heading to court.
Location: standing in front of my desk, wondering when my hip won’t hurt
Mood: okay
Music: It’s not over. You’re not your mistakes (Spotify)
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