
A pre-holiday party

The day before Turkey Day, went to a buddy’s place on Central Park West for some killer BBQ.

Freedom, yeah!

After Alison died, I really retreated into myself and made a lot of new connections, most of which are gone now for one reason or another.

But I continued to be invited out to things by my friends, despite my usual reluctance to leave the house.

With the Firecracker, though, I feel like I’m back in the world again.

To wit, The NFL Player invited us all to his pad for a pre-Thanksgiving dinner party so off we all went.

Thor was also there, which made for some interesting conversation.

Thor’s Wife: I’ve had a few drinks, so I was wondering if the stereotype is true.
Firecracker: (showing up) What’s the conversation?
Thor: We’re talking about Logan and his [stuff].
Her: Oh, that? Pleasantly surprised. Not all stereotypes are true.
Thor: Yup.
Me: I asked you to keep that to yourself, Thor.

Needed a lot more alcohol after that as that was the topic of conversation for longer than I woulda wanted.

Having said that, I stuffed myself silly as there was an entire tray of smoked brisket.

Legit, I regret that I ran outta room to put more of it into me.

The NFL Player lives right on Central Park West with a killer view of the parade path.

This meant that, on the walk home, the kids got to run around in the streets – which were closed off – and fully took advantage of that.

My kid is yelling, “Freedom!!!” here.

It was a great night and everyone went home completely stuffed.

But Thanksgiving was the very next day and my family was coming over for the very first time, ever.

Location: my desk, wondering if I should take the gig
Mood: ache-y
Music: If legends are loud and built to stand out (Spotify)
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