
Christmas 2024

The Firecracker’s family came by for a pre-Xmas hot pot meal and then the kid and I went to see Alison’s family for our regular Christmas tradition.

What are the chances?!

The Firecracker and I had such a good time at Bryson’s for hot pot that we invited the Firecracker’s sister and her family over for some at our pad.

It was the first time I’d ever had hot pot in my pad so that was a nice (almost) Christmas experience.

Boy: It’s a giftcard [from the Firecracker’s sister]!
Me: Under the penumbra of this apartment, I get 10%.
Firecracker’s BIL: I don’t think that’s how that word is used.
Me: Well, I’m thinking of it in legal terms as it was used in a famous Supreme Court case.

There are a lotta things that mean one thing to a lawyer – like penumbra and proximate, which immediately spring to mind – that mean other things to laymen.

Me: I don’t understand why I didn’t get invited to more parties as a kid.
F-BIL: (slowly nods) It’s a mystery.

In any case, I did not get 10%.

I may appeal.

One of the traditions that I’ve now learned to truly love is spending time with my in-laws for Christmas.

I love that, despite Alison not being here, that the kid gets to experience something similar to what he woulda experienced had she never died.

It’s cold comfort but better than no comfort at all.

In any case, the kid and met up with my SIL in Hoboken and hitched a ride out to see them.

Now, before I tell you about my Xmas, wanted to relate onea my favourite stories in life:

Decades ago, I went to my parents to help them fix a computer and upgraded a small 2.5 harddrive for them, and put the old 2.5 harddrive into my breast pocket.

Afterward, I stopped by and visited my buddy Danny the Good’s pad and, while I was there, Danny and his wife were discussing their own computer issues.

His Wife: What’s wrong with it?
Him: The harddrive’s shot. We need to get a new one.
Me: Wait, I’ve got one on me! (reaches into pocket and pulls it out)
Her: (laughing hysterically) Only Logan would have a spare harddrive in his pocket.

OK, back to the present: I’d bought my in-laws a mesh router and offered to set it up for them.

FIL: I don’t know if we need one. The old one works fine.
Me: Welp, I’ll just leave it here then and we can always install it at some point in the future.

Wouldn’t you know it, the router ended up failing repeatedly while I was there.

MIL: (joking) It seems awfully coincidental that our old router fails right when Logan brings a new one for us.
FIL: Very suspicious.
Me: (laughing) You should just be happy I have it.
Her: What are the chances!?

So, I set it up for them so that worked out.

As for the kid, he got a ton of loot that he wanted.

And I got plenty of food…

…and my SIL made her amazeballs eggnog, which is essentially just an adult milkshake.

Promised the kid that I’d stay for Christmas breakfast and lunch but then I had to run because I had to meet up with the Firecracker.

Him: You can’t stay for dinner?
Me: Sorry, kiddo. I promised [the Firecracker] that I’d see her.
Him: (nodding sadly) OK.

Had to keep my promise to the Firecracker for really good reasons that I’ll tell you all about in the next entry.

Location: Back home with the kid
Mood: sick but getting better
Music: I’m getting confused cause this isn’t our room (Spotify)
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