
Travelogue: Bahamas 2024, pt 2

Went on a seven-mile walk in the Bahamas just because…. And we did it in flip-flops, which was less than ideal.

Seriously, pooped

Her: Again!?
Me: Evidently.

So, the last time I was on a cruise, I was raunchily ill. This time, I just had a cold but both meant that I couldn’t fully enjoy the trip.

The other thing was that, when we went to Bermuda, we were on the island less than three hours.

This time around, because of rough seas, we were only in the Bahamas for five hours – which, admittedly, is an improvement but not by much.

But, determined to make the most of it, we decided to walk from the pier to Atlantis.

It was a seven-mile, round-trip walk.

The thing was that I found out that the only thing that alleviated my back pain was/is walking.

Her: I guess we’re walking then.
Me: I guess so.

So, we did.

We probably shouldn’t have done it in flip-flops, though.

There’s this German saying I love that goes:

Gutes Gespraech kuerzt den Weg.
Good conversation shortens the way.

Luckily, the Firecracker provides just that.

We first went to the Queen’s Staircase, just to see it.

I’d never been there, despite my being to the Bahamas at least four times previously.

From there, we walked to Atlantis, where we stayed for just a few minutes, got a Starbucks, and then took the long trek back.

Her: (enjoying her coffee) That was totally worth it.

Me: I’m fine with not seeing the beach; honestly, you seen one beach, you’ve seen them all.
Her: Agreed. Plus, I like not having to get sand outta my shoes for the next day or so.

On the way to Atlantis and back, though, we saw:

Not one, but TWO metal detectors just in the middle of the sidewalk, and unplugged…

…a cat deep in the hunt for some birds…

…a lamp that had seen better days…

…and a rando Chinese restaurant.

Her: You should stop in and say, hi.
Me: It’s not like we all know each other, baby.
Her: (laughing) That’s not…
Me: I’m joking. But, nah, then I’ll get into a conversation and the only person I wanna talk to is you.

These are the kinda exciting things that happen to you when you’re with me.

We ended up making it back to the ship and man, were we pooped.

Seriously, pooped.

The rest of the trip was just us eating up a storm.

But I’ll tell you about that in the next entry just because I’ve got a ton of pics to share.

Location: a kid’s playground, for the third time today
Mood: exhausted
Music: it was only us when it was only us (Spotify)
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