Rasputin was a real wizard
Because the Firecracker and I did so much traveling the past two years, we were chatting about getting into the TSA Precheck Program.
To this end, we both met up downtown at the National Museum of the American Indian, which is – oddly – where we had our interview.
The last time I’d been down there was in this entry, 13 years ago.
What a different life I led back then.
In any case, the interview itself was insanely fast; we were both done in less than three minutes.
It’s alla the paperwork that you gotta do ahead time that’s the real time killer.
Afterward, I told her that I’d buy her a drink downtown.
Me: Have you ever been to Fraunces Tavern?
Her: (thinking) That’s like a Revolutionary War place, yes? I don’t think so?
Me: Sweeeet, ok, let’s go.
It’s a place that George Washington supposedly utilized as a headquarters for war planning.
While we were there, I got a really good mead – for the first time, ever – and she just had some wine.
We chatted with the bartender for a bit before walking around downtown.
There were so many cool shops and restaurants downtown that we had difficulties figuring out where to eat.
Ultimately, she decided she wanted a lobster roll so we found a place downtown that had an excellent one.
She was very excited.
It felt luxurious to be out and about in the middle of the day.
This meant that we had time for some important and deep conversations.
Her: Have you ever considered that maybe Rasputin was a real wizard?
Me: OK, where to begin with that statement…?
Afterward, we walked around a bit more downtown…
…before we called it and went home.
Her: This is one of those things I like best about New York City.
Me: What?
Her: There’s just so much to do and see.
Me: (nodding) Yeah. I’ve been here my whole life and still think there’s so much I’ve not seen here yet.
Location: in front of six tacos, wondering if I should have a seventh
Mood: exhausted
Music: Völlig losgelöst von der Erde (Spotify)
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