So much grossness
The kid got invited to his friend’s birthday party the other day, so we all headed down to Chelsea Piers again.
Like I said before, it’s always nice to be included.
Felt bad this time around because we had the four of us – the kid and me, and the Firecracker and her kid – but the hosts were super kind and told us we were all welcome so off we went.
The kids had a blast…
…and my own kid ate his weight in…stuff.
Now, in the middle of it, some other kid ate some of the fruit with the serving tongs, which he put into his mouth.
As soon as he put the tongs down, I grabbed it and asked one of the helpers to replace it, which he did.
Unfortunately, I might not have caught it in time.
See, later on that night, he got hit HARD with a stomach bug.
Can’t say for sure that it was because of that kid, but I suppose it doesn’t really matter.
In any case, I’ll not post pics but just trust me when I tell you that it was spectacularly gross.
The kid’s friend that lives next door to us and always invites us over for holidays also got ridonk sick.
It was a pretty rough three days for both of them and they both had to miss a day of school – the Firecracker and her kid (luckily) didn’t get sick.
Oh, I should mention that the Firecracker – after 10PM, which is when the kid had his worst bout of grossness – immediately donned some gloves and kneeled into the thick of the grossness to help me clean it up, something she absolutely didn’t have to do but I was deeply grateful that she did.
Me: (in between dry heaving) I’m so sorry about this. Thank you for helping.
Her: (cleaning) Of course. I used to be a schoolteacher. This stuff doesn’t bother me.
Speaking of knees, it’s stuff like that that makes me think she’s just the bees’ knees.
Most of the time.
Me: I think that I’m pretty chill these days because I’m…
Her: …old.
Me: (shaking head) That really wasn’t necessary.
Location: the supermarket for the third time in one day because I’m so forgetful these days
Mood: fat
Music: Now I’m taking sips of your potion (Spotify)
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