Her: It’s so nice that the paper doesn’t fall behind the printer any more.
Me: That’s part of my job as a husband; to make sure things don’t annoy you as much.
Been noticing some slight post-marriage changes. For one thing, I smell great. Not that I smelled particularly bad pre-marriage, mind you, it’s just that before I just had soap; now I have choice of:
- Regular scented soap
- Antibacterial scented soap
- Moisturizing scented soap
- Body wash with exfoliants
- Body wash without exfoliants
- Anti-fritz shampoo (with accompanying conditioner)
- Colour-fast shampoo (with accompanying conditioner)
- Shine-enhancing shampoo (with accompanying conditioner)
- Straightening shampoo (with accompanying conditioner)
As for her, my collection of the Cartoon History of the World does not seem to enriching her life (much). However, in addition to moving heavy objects and offing the occasional critter, I’ve been busy fixing things. So far, fixed a Roomba and a printer.
Feel the need now to stalk and kill something and then grill it.
Or just make more chili.
Location: off to roll
Mood: groggy
Music: Too low to find my way Too high to wonder why
YASYCTAI: Fix that other thingy. (60 mins/1 pt)
8 replies on “After marriage you smell better”
remember when it was just you and the roomba? my how times have changed! so, when are you gonna give me a good veg. chili recipe? i'm fairly dying for one!
Vegetarian chili!? Perish the thought. An animal must be sacrificed to please the chili gods…
I have been married for 17 years. My husband still doesn't really understand what conditioner is.
Ha! I just don't understand why, if there's a combo shampoo-conditioner, why not just use that?
Then again, I could shampoo with a bar of soap…
[…] not a bad trade – I get to smell nice all the time, she gets bulk […]
[…] razor itself and blades but it’s also a good excuse to get some cool – male – things for the bathroom, like a shaving brush and shaving mug, but more on that […]