
I don’t see why

Suppose I should tell you what’s been eating at me for the past few months. Someone stole every penny I have. It’s been rough.

Someone stole every penny I had


Well, I suppose I should tell you what happened now that things have settled a bit.

Someone stole every penny I ever made. Six figures. Gone. I have 11.62 to my fine name.

But I think I’ll be ok. I’ll survive.

It’s what I do.


Was thinking about the curly-haired girl recently. I haven’t seen her in a month or so and I don’t think I will.

But I thought about a conversation we had the last time I saw her.

Her: So I don’t see why you’re still single.
Me: I’m really good at hiding the crazy until about the third or fourth date.
Her: Ah, (slowly nodding) good to know…

It all seems so unreal. Unfortunately, it’s all true.

Location: 20:00 yest, on 32d btw 8th and 9th
Mood: completely sotted
Music: feeling lonely I had a life to give many dreams to live

12 replies on “I don’t see why”

I know, I know…Actually, the kind wishes of everyone is doing me good. That's enough (unless you have six figures you'd like to send my way, free of charge?)

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