I’m all in

Just took out this huge loan (@8.75%) to try to get my life back. I’ve never had non-education/home related debt before. It’s disconcerting.
With nods to Kastinkerbell, who is making me a Subversive Cross Stitch cause she’s cool like that, we all have things we say over and over again.
Recently, this girl on the idiot box kept ending her sentences with “Y’know what I mean?” After ten minutes, I wanted to yell, “NO! I…DON’T…KNOW.”
Then again, I say the same things constantly:
- Well aware. / What am I an idiot? (pointing to my face and drawing a circle)
- Oh…my…
- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- I know, I know, I know.
- Or you could not.
- Why don’t we just tell people we did, and don’t?
- You’ve GOT to be kidding me.
- Sheyeah, you wish.
- Are you always so potty-mouth, or are you just trying to impress me?
- Well, more or less.
- No, I’m wearing a girdle.
- That’n two bucks’ll get you on the downtown bus.
- I promise to dress trampy. Oh, who am I kidding – I always dress trampy.
- I’m in.
Yeah…I’m all in.
Location: 19:00 yest, Home Depot, buying a faucet
Mood: busy
Music: une société qui désarme La victime, et pas le voleur