My year still begins in September

My phone’s been ringing again. Nuthin steady, nuthin huge, a trickle, really. But it’s something. And after months of nuthin, something’s good.
It’s a bit odd, to be busy again with things for pure monetary exchange. The humdrum of work again.
But it’s a good thing; the cadence of waking up, making coffee – for two oftentimes – PB&J; or oatmeal, Good Morning America, and then…work?
Well, it’s hardly work yet. But it’s something.
Always said that my year begins in September. The rhythm of regularity. Am looking forward to it now more than in years.
It’s weird, to be excited for the coming monotony.
September 11th again. Has it been eight years already?
Someone told me that I dwell too much on it considering I wasn’t “affected.”
Didn’t know what to say, so I changed the subject. How can one explain what it’s like?
Location: same black chair; different room
Mood: busy
Music: Got me affected, spun me 1-80 degrees
5 replies on “Affected”
sigh yah. i hear ya on the 9/11 thing. and actually, also on the excitement for monotony thing! i start a new job this week 🙂
Thanks!And I can't wait to hear about it! Good luck!
[…] and other social sites that people – mostly white people not from NYC and not the least bit affected – keep tsk, tsk, tsk-ing some of our celebrating the death of a man that killed 3,000+ of our […]
[…] Dunno how people get anything done in hot climates; always feel lethargic and slow in the summertime. But the second it feels like fall, it’s like the year’s begun. […]
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