Apologies, I interrupt our usual nuthin for a quick something.
If you’ve been reading this for any amount of time, y’know that real names are verboten. Unless there’s a good reason.
This was Lee – Leigh Sakoda, actually. She wasn’t a close friend, or a dear friend. She was, however, someone that I spoke to every day for two years at my old gig. And never will again. That means something to me.
Wish I dropped her a line like I said I would. That means something to me too.
Since I got no scratch right now to send her way, putting this up for now, to remind me to do it when I do.
In my head, she looked like that pic above, always smiling. The world’s lost a good soul.
Back to the usual nonsense tomorrow.
Nite, Lee.
Location: 2 hours ago, stabbing someone in the throat in the UWS
Mood: still pensive
Music: to everything there is a purpose
5 replies on “Leigh Sakoda”
[…] Or maybe I’m just a sad story you tell other people about. Like when I told you about Leigh. […]
[…] write Leigh’s husband to ask him how he dealt with the loss and he wrote me back this long and incredibly kind […]
[…] right but I can’t do it yet. Leigh’s husband said that my memories of Alison are like loving pet porcupines; you want to pull them close, but […]
[…] Leigh’s husband said it’s like tourettes. And it is. […]
[…] a number of people that have been experiencing grief have reached out to me, exactly as I did to Leigh’s husband when Alison died. And like him, I’ve been trying to help as much as I […]