

Location: heading to Queens
Mood: sore
Music: baby The fame, fame Isn’t it a shame, shame baby

Snow on Riverside Park in NYC

A dude I met once with Sheridan was in all of papers cause he stole all of this dough. As a by-product of my out-and-about-ness, meet a lotta people that’re marginally famous in my little city.

The desire to get famous for no reason at all’s odd to me. S’one thing to be famous for doing something particularly good, quite another for doing something shady, yet another again for doing nuthin really at all.

My buddy Bryson’s also in the papers a lot lately. Well, not him per se, but his work product; he’s onea the lead people working on the Roosevelt Island project in the city papers.

It’s parta the reason we had to hit Roosevelt Island together this past summer.

Said a number a times before, in addition to being an insanely talented architect, he’s also a lethal man in the ring.

I’m only lethal if the other guy laughs himself to death seeing that he’s gonna fight me.

Gotta be better to be well-respected than famous, dontcha think? And even more so if it’s for two completely different things. Or is that just me these days?

As an aside, like to tell myself that somea my pictures’re part of the tram project.

Which is probably only true in my head but, eh, like always, it’s my head.

YASYCTAI: What your small goal this week? (5 mins/1 pt)

2 replies on “Fame”

Does transitioning back to working reality after a month off count as a legit goal this week?I'm having motivation issues – I want to be anywhere but here!Btw, I read your bit about marriage not being for the young. I'm going to agree with that even if I did get married relatively young. Dealing with expectations and changes is not easy at all…I sometimes feel like I'm trapped in a novel. LoL

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