
Pink slime and BLBT / insect vomit and honey

Mini-burgers in midtown, NYC

In my life I’ve helped or seen killed three things for food – two chickens and a snake. All three were with my grandmother. She wanted me to know where my food came from.

Was justa kid for all three of them but I remember that, while there was a businesslike quality to the whole affair, there was also respect. We had just taken the life of these things, after all. That respect showed through when every bit of those animals were used.

Recently read about the loss of jobs and the rising of beef prices due to the loss of boneless lean beef trimmings (BLBT) – which we’ve been eating for years without issue – cause it’s been given the catchy name “pink slime” by a celebrity cook and ABC news.

This, despite the fact that from a microbial-pathogen point of view, it’s safer than ground beef.

As I said once before, there’s a no difference between insect vomit and honey except for the name we give it. Ditto for filtered burned bean soup and coffee.

It’s edible meat that’s been cleaned and put back into the chain of food; this is while most of the world doesn’t have enough, we sniff and say what we have isn’t good enough.

On the topic of food, am surprised how many people don’t know that almost all olives are treated with lye – the same poison used to burn the guy’s hand in Fight Club.

We don’t have an issue with that because we don’t have a catchy/horrifying name for it. How about green puke?

We’re too far removed from our meat sources; we’d waste less if people had to look into the eyes of the stuff we put into our mouths.

Ditto if we had to look into the eyes of starving people.

Been working like mad but cool tunes keep me company.

Location: home
Mood: still less sick
Music: bird lands on my windowsill

14 replies on “Pink slime and BLBT / insect vomit and honey”

Thanks for the comment, Rene! I find it really amazing how much we let go to waste and how much is not good enough for us.

I think everyone should have to kill one thing they eat once just to know what is involved in something as commonplace as a burger.

This post takes me back to life in third world. We used to have this love/hate relationships with Americans. Loved Americans for all the technology and entertainment, but hated them for being so picky and wasteful.

I did not know that you had a life in the third world! I think that when I was a kid Taiwan was part of that world; it's def not now.

There's something about respecting where the food we eat comes from and making the most of it.

When I was souq-hopping in Marrakech I discovered that, in Morocco, you would often order your meat/poultry by choosing which live chicken you want (I do not like the smell of chickens, ew!) or which goat you'd like, which is hanging freshly dead and furless in front of you with a view of its testicles (something about female goats taking longer to cook, so you want to know you're getting a male).. No mystery what-so-ever. I often order my meat/poultry here in France at the butcher (which involves using kilos not pounds, and communicating in an awkward 3rd language… fun) instead of at the supermarket.

Anyhoo, I often eat tofu anyway.. or shall I say coagulated soy milk. Mmm…

It's quite the peripatetic life you lead! I'm glad that you're so adventurous – especially when it comes to food. One of things I like best about traveling is going to the supermarket and seeing their versions of things I love. It's even more interesting when I find something totally unseen (to me) before. The only issue is that, with globalization, it's harder and harder to find new things I've not seen before.

Mmm, coagulated bean milk….I do love that stuff so…

Humans were nomads in the beginning.. so I'm trying to be one too. Haha. Nah, Morrocco is a quick and cheap flight from here. 🙂 You must go there. Everyday I saw something I'd never seen before (SO refreshing!). In Marrakech they never went through an industrial revolution — it's filled with artisans and has a strong Berber culture — it feels like you've travelled back in time! No jeans, no plastic.

I'm not sure if I'm adventurous or just curious. I mostly ate méchoui, tomato salads, tagine, snails and harira in Morrocco… I did not try goat's head, stuffed heart, pancreas – basically [almost] everything shown on Zimmern's "Bizarre Foods – Morrocco" I did not go near. I was just there this past Feb. so it's fresh on my mind – but even years to come it's hard to forget an amazing place like Morrocco!

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