It’s the right tone for a wrong day
I bought another suit a while ago. My tailor isn’t in the US so it takes a few months to reach me.
Got it because my old black suit was looking worn. And the reason I need another solid jet black suit is because I seem to at an age where I’m going to funerals and memorials a lot more than anyone might want.
Not that anyone ever wants to go to them.
Have a memorial coming up next week for my buddy Bobbie and the suit arrived in time for that. Unfortunately, sad events don’t follow anyone’s timeline.
About two years ago, went to a funeral for my buddy’s mom.
Then, unexpectedly, had to go to one for his brother just last week. It seems terribly cruel for such misery to visited upon anyone, let alone someone so young.
In any case, my suit arrived the very next day. I found that odd.
Writer Neil Gaiman said in one of his books:
I wore a black suit and a white shirt, a black tie and black shoes, all polished and shiny: clothes that normally would make me feel uncomfortable, as if I were in a stolen uniform, or pretending to be an adult. Today they gave me comfort of a kind. I was wearing the right clothes for a hard day.
I agree with that.
For me, a black suit is comforting in it’s own way. It strikes the right, somber tone for a very wrong day.
Me: I’m so sorry, man.
Location: last week, upstate
Mood: hopeful
Music: Sometimes it seems like lately I just don’t know
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One reply on “Black suit and a white shirt”
HHIS I should have thouhgt of that!