Unicorns: Artist, warrior, philosopher, and businessman
Her: Every father wants his son to be something. Do you know what you want him to be?
A buddy of mine named Vaźques stopped by the other day for some Cuban food and we chatted for a bit about the path of his life. He’s younger than me; and with that youth comes an open future.
I asked him if he played a musical instrument and he said no. Told him to consider it cause there was a fella named Cellini once said that a well-rounded man is an artist, warrior, and philosopher.
I’d personally add to that “businessman” but that’s just me.
In any case, I’d read about Cellini in seventh grade in social studies while discussing tank warfare (odd thing to remember, I know). Decided then I wanted to be that and spent the next 34 years trying.
The gold standard, IMHO, is a fella named Everman who was:
- The guitar player for Nirvana and the base-player for Soundgarden and OLD.
- A US Army Ranger and Green Beret
- An Ivy League graduate with a degree in philosophy with Columbia university; he’s currently pursuing his masters degree in Military history.
I meet tons of dangerous people in my personal and professional life. They are clearly dangerous – they wear their lethality clearly and conspicuously, like scorpions. I’m only marginally impressed.
I also meet tons of hyper intelligent people in my personal and professional life. They talk about the latest million-dollar deal they just closed on or their latest cool project. Again, marginally impressed.
Finally, there is a small group of people I know that seek understanding over rote knowledge. A very small group. These people impress me a bit more, but only a bit.
At least they think of the cascading consequences of all their actions.
But there’s this incredible minority of people like Messrs Everman and Cellini that have achieved what I think encompasses what a man – or woman – should strive to be.
A man named Danaher – whom I met when he was a bouncer and I was a club promoter – and the Devil I consider as one of these people as well with both of them fulfilling that fourth requirement of “businessman.”
These are the real unicorns. To be in their presence is humbling because, in my mind, they understand what’s valuable and what’s just a waste of time.
We’re all given 24 hours, every day. It’s what they do with those hours that separates them from everyone else.
Honestly, my children can be anything they want to be. Doctor, plumber, race car driver, whatever. As long as they are those three four things first.
As long as he’s a unicorn.
Me: Yes.
Location: the basement of my brain…plotting
Mood: ambitious
Music: could have stayed for more.
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One reply on “Messrs Everman, Cellini, and Vaźques”
[…] it’s related to my quest to satisfy the three things that Cellini said made a well-rounded man: Art, violence, and […]