A crispy potato delight
Woke up the next morning and immediately thought of my usual Lucky Boy brekkie, of course, so, off we went.
But not before meeting a new friend.
Right next to Lucky Boy is the very first Trader Joe’s so we had to stop for a picture.
We finally got to Lucky Boy and I got a breakfast BLT and a double cheeseburger.
Three people commented on my jacket, positively.
Her: I just want to say, that is a great jacket on you.
Me: Thank you! My brother doesn’t think so.
Her: (laughing) He’s wrong.
Our bellies full, we walked over to Old Pasadena to check things out.
But first we needed some coffee and pastries.
Once we were fully caffeinated, we continued our walk.
Her: Wait, is that a Tiffany’s?! Can we go in?
Me: …yes?
Her: I’m going to look at engagement rings…because.
Me: Noted.

There, we met a fella named Richard…
Him: …Queens. You?
Me: I’m from Queens as well!
…who was nice enough to offer us up some champagne in Tiffany crystal on a literal silver platter with white gloves.
Me: Well, technically, it *is* 2PM for us.
Her: This is true!
The Firecracker and I chatted with Richard for a bit more before we left his fine company.
The Firecracker stopped into another store and tried on some clothing.
Her: What do you think?
Me: You look great!
Her: I’m gonna wear this out.
And she did just that.
Afterward, we stopped in a quiet alleyway, and I got some writing done.
And met another new friend.
We decided to head over to the super wealthy part of Pasadena and check out the multi-million-dollar mansions there.
The coolest thing about them were so many of them had fruit trees everywhere – we saw figs, tons of oranges, limes, and more.
Plus, there were cool things like aloe just growing on the sidewalks.
Although, not everything we saw on the street was fruit.
Me: Someone did not have a good day.
The fruit was definitely nicer to see.
We went back to my brother’s and crashed for a bit, before waking up and having a crapton of Chinese food, mainly dumplings.
Me: There is no soup in these soup dumplings!
Her: They’re just dumplings now.
Me: Blargh.
We ended up playing a buncha board games, including Scattagories.
Our question was: Beginning with “M,” something that you get from a vending machine.
Me: Munchos.
Her: Munchies?
Me: Munchos! They’re a crispy potato delight.
The jet lag was real, so we crashed pretty early.
Location: earlier today, Newark, NJ
Mood: sore
Music: We pulled up for some west coast passion (Spotify)
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One reply on “Travelogue: Los Angeles 2024, Day 2 – Champagne Breakfast at Tiffany’s”
[…] Do you remember when the Firecracker and I went to Pasadena together and we stopped by Tiffany’s? […]