Not a big secret
Her: Just ketchup, please.
Me: What? How about I put on mustard and onions?
Her: No thanks, just ketchup.
Me: Chili?
Her: Nope. Just ketchup.
Me: You know, according to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, if you’re over 18 years old, you shouldn’t be using ketchup.
Her: I’m a lot younger than you and I’m doing it.
Me: (grumble)
I gotta say, I agree with the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council; ketchup just makes everything taste like ketchup, which is exactly why I don’t like it and kids like it on everything.
Me: I secretly judge you.
Her: (rolls eyes) It’s not that big a secret.
The kid finished up his camp this week and is going back to grandma’s for a few weeks before school.
He wanted to go and his grandma wanted to have him, so win-win there.
We had hoped to go to either Taiwan or another cruise this summer but changing gyms and some other expenses changed things for us.
But the Firecracker and I were chatting the other day and I came across a cruise for a cruise line that I’d never been on before and it left from Brooklyn.
We actually saw it the last time we were in Govenors Island, as well as the time we went to Red Hook.
Since it left from Brooklyn, the savings from not flying and having a hotel meant that it was in our budget, so we booked it.
Was gonna surprise the kid with it in a few weeks but I couldn’t contain my excitement, knowing how good a time he had the first time he went.
Me: Hey, I wanted to ask you: What was the best thing you and I ever did together?
Him: Oh, that’s easy – the cruise. Why?
Me: (smiling)
Him: Wait, are we going on a cruise?!
Me: (shrugging shoulders)
Him: (eyes widening) ARE WE GOING ON ANOTHER CRUISE!?
Me: (shrugging again) I dunno…mebe?
Him: (loses his mind)
Mission accomplished.
I don’t think there are words that fully encapsulates the feeling when, as a parent, you get your kid precisely the thing they want the most.
He was on cloud nine all day.
And so was I.
Him: You’re the best papa ever!
Me: Ha, you haven’t met them all but I’ll take it. And you’re the best kid.
Location: Flushing, showing the kid the old hood
Mood: excited
Music: Let’s hit the road, friend of mine; wave goodbye to our thankless jobs (Spotify)
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