
No Happiness Scar to Show

Spent New Year’s Eve with some close friends, wearing a suit that had a quote from the guy that wrote Fight Club: It’s so hard to forget pain, but it’s even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness.

Starting off 2018 with Dom

When Alison and I got married, her sister bought us a bottle of 1989 Dom Perignon. We decided to keep it for a special occasion in the future.

Her: Let’s have it when the baby’s born.
Me: Perfect.

Of course, we didn’t count on the heartbreaking amount of losses. And absolutely never thought our life together would start ending just five days after the kid was born.

So it stayed in my fridge all these years.

The messed up part of it is that, I grew to hate this thing born of family, kindness, and love. On a practical matter, it just took up space in my fridge. On a deeper level, it was a constant reminder of all the b______t things that were supposed to be sweet for us but were bitter instead.

Can’t tell you how many times I thought of just opening it and chugging the whole damn thing.

Was planning on staying in for New Year’s Eve. My mom had the kid. My mother-in-law just bought me a new bottle of rum so: Plans.

But then I got a text from an old and dear friend around the way.

Him: Yo. Are you around tomorrow or going out? RE Mike is coming by for drinks around 8 if you want to come by.
Me: Cool. Was just planning on staying in but that sounds like my speed.

Decided to bring the bottle for three reasons:

  1. The couple that invited me did more for Alison than most people, by a large margin.
  2. Alison always liked all of them. RE Mike’s girl was even from her hometown. She was excited to get to know her.
  3. I actually had a bottle of it with them in past, so I thought it’d be a nice continuation.

We cracked it open a few minutes after I arrived. We toasted my family and said the goodbye to the old year. And, like always, I hoped that this year would be better.

Should note that I spilled two glasses of champagne there – not the super good stuff – so the clumsy is still working.

Stumbled home just before 1AM. Gave the Gymgirl and my family a quick ring.

Afterward, I lay down in my suit on my white couch for while and opened up my jacket. For some weird reason, I like to have quotes sewn on the inside of my suits. On this one it said:

It’s a piece of a quote I told you about once before: It’s so hard to forget pain, but it’s even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness.

It’s funny. People notice the scar above my eye now. And the one on my lip from time-to-time. And the one on my leg and arms. The biggest scar I got is the one in the shape of Alison on my soul. But no one sees it.

Although, you know about it, I guess.

Wish I had a scar for all the amazing times I had with Alison. The amazing life I had with her. For that, I have no scar. Yet another b______t thing in my life.

Anywho, I laid on the couch, thought of that for a bit.

Then, I got up, poured myself a glass of rum, and sat down again.

Started 2018 the same way I started a lotta my days in my life: In an empty house feeling empty.

Me: Hey. I miss you like crazy. Happy New Year, hon.

Location: Seven days into 2018
Mood: thoughtful
Music: It’s gotta get easier and easier somehow. But not today

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9 replies on “No Happiness Scar to Show”

Hello, I just chanced upon your blog when looking for the difference between eharmony and match.

I just want to send my condolences, as a perfect stranger. Thank you for sending your heart and thoughts out into the ether. Your story moved me and your wife will be loved forever. Your son is beautiful. I am sorry for your loss. I lost my Chinese grandfather to cancer, just lost my husband to divorce, and I have two daughters too. Anyway, I have no idea what to say, just that I wish you well and God bless.

Thank you so much for writing! I used to be much better at responding to comments but I seem to barely have time for anything these days since I became a single father.

I’m so sorry for your losses as well. I wrote once that everyone’s grief is grief to them so I know it must hurt. Today was another painful day that I’m trying to sort out; it’s never really clear when the days will be good(ish) or bad. I suppose that’s just how life is with grief.

Thank you again for reaching out and leaving a message.

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