
Near your casa

My shady secrets

Two Blue Moons at Sugar Bar, NYC
The devil called me the other day. He always calls when I’m on my knees. It’s been a while.

Him: What are you doing today?
Me: Same thing I do most days when the kid’s not around. Drink and randomly yell out “Motherf___er!” (pause) I’m surprised to hear from you.
Him: I’m surprised to call. Despite our differences, I’m legit sorry about your dad and wife. (long pause) There’s work if you want it.
Me: I like that you get to the point. (thinking) Maybe. Maybe it’s time.

As did Alison’s best friend.

Her: Hey I’m near your casa because my neighbor’s singing at a bar near you. Know you’re likely not up for a drink or maybe you’ve been drinking too much already but felt wrong to be so nearby and not offer a drink.
Me: Cool. I’ll pop by.

Ended up walking her home a mile north and forgetting my camera at her pad.

Woulda been terribly romantic if we found each other the least bit attractive. I still say that it’s a stupid Hollywood trope that men and women can’t be friends.

Although, some women transition between the circle of friends and hard-to-say more than others.

Me: I feel guilty about things, sometimes. That I’m keeping you from finding your person.
Daisy: You’re not. Actually, I find it a bit funny-slash-conceited that you think every woman in the world is in love with you.
Me: Not every woman. (thinking) Just the ones that meet me.

It’s all a bit complicated. Then again, nothing in my life is ever simple.

Gradgirl: I’ve got to think of an excuse as to why I can’t show up tonight.
Me: You’ve got so many shady secrets.
Her: Oh, Logan, (getting up) you are my shady secret.

Location: my blue couch
Mood: tired
Music: I’m not rich, but the first night is on me

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