
Peace, Hope and Harold

I’m hopeful for 2007; there’s good news already. Maybe it’ll continue.

Good people make all the difference

I’m still excited about 2007, it’s only a few days old and I’m hopeful for the future for two reasons.

Reason One
So the big thing in NYC is this 50 year-old guy, Wesley Autry, jumps onto the train tracks to save the life of a kid he doesn’t know. The train rolls over both of them and his two daughters, four and six, are sure he’s dead. But it turns out, Autry pushed himself and this guy into this pit full of sewage as the train rolled over both of them. They’re both fine.

Still believe that people as a whole are a bunch of selfish scumbags. I should know, I’m one of them. That’s why when something like this happens, an entire jaded city of 11 million plus takes note.

They just re-did the Milgram experiments and the results were the same. What a freaking disappointment. But you’ve got singular people like Autrey who, when asked why he did what he did, shrugs and says, “I thought the guy needed help.”

Reason Two
I have a plant that my family brought over from Asia. His name is Harold (yes, I name my plants – trust me, that’s the least of my oddities).

He’s been with me for over a decade. When my ex moved in with me, her two cats used him like a #$@@# salad buffet so I put him outside where my upstairs neighbor promptly dropped buckets of cement on him.

Harold’s been a nasty mess for months now but this morning, I noticed that he was growing new shoots.

It’s beautiful outside right now.

Blue skies above; cold, clear air below.

I’m hopeful.

Location: @3:15, standing in line at the post
Mood: hopeful
Music: I’ve been searching for a long time, I still have hope, I’m gonna find my way home

18 replies on “Peace, Hope and Harold”

I thought I was the only one who named my houseplants! Thank you for sharing and letting me know that I'm not so strange afterall. I was given a Christmas Cactus over the holidays, it's gorgeous but still needs a name. I think I'll call him, Dr. John.

Stopping by from Dr John's as you are his link for the day.Here is wishing you a wonderful 2007

[…] Make’s me think about having a kid myself. Then again, can barely take carea George and Harold. Still, think all guys start thinking about cranking out a few rug rats roundabout this […]

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