
Fathers and sons

My dad says that he believes in me and I’m actually a bit surprised he’s still pulling for me. Fathers do that. Me? I’d like to be the man he thinks I could be.

For my dad on Father’s Day

Couldn’t celebrate father’s day because of the wedding. I saw him though.

My dad graduated from the second hardest law school in Japan – the equivalent of Princeton here. I graduated in the top third of my class; he graduated in the top 5%.

But, when he was younger than I am now, he came here to wash dishes and chop fish to feed his family. He didn’t want us growing up there.

Realize now how hard it must have been to be 4,000 miles from home, not know the language and work at jobs far beneath you.

Can barely make it outta the Upper West Side.

He said my mom cried when he came home stinking of fish guts for the first time. She was the local beauty queen; he was now a fish monger.

I thought I married a lawyer, she said.
You once believed in me enough to marry me, he said, just wait.

She did and he became the man he knew he could be.

He says that he believed in himself even if no one else did.

He says that he believes in me. I’m actually a bit surprised he’s still pulling for me.

At least you’re not gutting fish; you’re already doing better than I was.

I’d like to be the man I think I could be. I’d like to be the man he thinks I could be.

He doesn’t know about this blog (don’t tell him). But I wanna say, Thanks anyway.

I’m very grateful.

Location: 1PM, yest., doctor’s office
Mood: sick
Music: daddy’s rich And your ma is so good-looking
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16 replies on “Fathers and sons”

that's sweet. i guess parents will always believe in you… cause if they stop believing, who else is there to believe in u???

i didn't understand one thing though… i thought u were chinese? are u chinese/japanese???

I am indeed Chinese but from 1895 to 1945, Taiwan was occupied by Japan so my dad speaks fluent Japanese. It's just like why we speak English the best (I can only assume!)

I don't think all parents believe in their kids but you and I might be one of the lucky ones.

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