
Logan’s 40

I’m 40 today. The bombings in Boston remind me that world is an ugly place. But made bearable by the good souls.

Joy inevitably comes

The Grace Building in NYC

Like you, I was glued to the television watching the bombings in Boston.

The first thought that came to mind were words I can’t print here, but they rhymed with “mothers that drive trucks.”

My second was: The people that point and the people that run in. Around every tragedy, you will find the people that point and the people that run in.

The people that point are the ones that use a tragedy to push their own personal agendas: Religious, political, or simply, look at me because I will be different than all the others because I need to be noticed.

Regarding this pointing, on FB I had a two guys talk about all the people that die in Afghanistan and that it somehow means we shouldn’t mourn the people here. But that was pretty much the extent of it.

How many did you have? Make note of those people. Those are the ones that want, desperately, to be heard.

Regarding the people that run in, that was on full display that day as Patton Oswalt eloquently noted. It gives me some hope for our kind. I hope he’s right that that the people that run in outnumber the others. The ones that harm. The ones that point.

Today, I’m 40.

Had this whole long rant about being so old and creaky but instead, let me simply sum it up by saying this: I’m old and I’ve seen a lot more things than I’ve ever wanted to see.

The world is an ugly place. But it is made bearable by the good souls. The ones that bring us grace and mercy.

The fact that I’ve only had two really stomach turning posts on FB since this thing happened is a small indicator, I think, that I’ve managed to have more good souls than not in my corner of the world.

Years ago, wrote about Bernard Malamud who said that Life is a tragedy full of joy.

Having been on this planet for 40 short and long years, I’ve learned that tragedy inevitably comes, but the joy also comes.

And so I wait for the joy. Hope you do as well.

And like every year on (or close to) my birthday, I ask you to wish me a happy birthday, all of you bastards that read me and never say anything.

Here’s my stupid mug at almost 40. I would have taken one recently but I’ve been beat.

Logan Lo

Location: with family in my slice of the world
Mood: hopeful
Music: Don’t you keep me waiting for that day
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34 replies on “Logan’s 40”

A comment via Facebook AND my blog? This really *is* my birthday. Thanks, Brandon!

The rum always helps! And thanks for the words of support – I’m finding more and more wrinkles and grey hairs these days.

Eh, at least it’s not 50…yet!

Happy Birthday Logan! 40 looks good on you. I’m still reading, just been distracted/occupied lately, so haven’t been leaving comments. Keep on writing, good blogs are few and far between on the interwebs, yours is one of them!

Thanks for being a loyal reader, Loyalreader! And thanks for the words of encouragement. I’m slowly creeping back up to my pre-marriage days of readers but I think people comment less these days.

That, or 80% of the readers I have is my mom or wife hitting “refresh.”

Happy Birthday to the best husband ever.

From, your young wife. (Ok, fine! From, your wife who is younger.)

You *are* my young wife – and always will be. Thanks for always supporting me.

And letting me drink rum and eat wings. You’re the best!

Happy Birthday L2! Thank you for continuing to blog and sharing your insights, thoughts, and love of rum. May it be a fruitful, joyful year!

Thanks for reading and commenting! Plus, I would talk about rum to anyone who would listen.

Here’s hoping to a better year for everyone.

Thanks! It’s nice to know that people are out there actually reading the nonsense I write.

Happy 40th Birthday! I’ve been following your blog for quite some time now! Had a bad case of insomnia a month or so ago and read all your insomnia-tagged posts. That was time well spent.

Thanks! That means a lot; I’ve been having a pretty bad bout of insomnia myself these days. It’s no fun at all.

If I may ask, how did you find my blog? I’m always curious.

I AM SO LATE, but Happy Birthday man!!! Forget the next year, I hope the next decade is better than the last. =)

Happy belated birthday! Sorry I missed the actual date, I only check your blog once a week or so. Still love your writing though, cuz you don’t just drop knowledge, you speak wisdom in your words.

Dude – thanks! You’re one of the ole timer LJ people still around so I appreciate that as well.

Thanks also for the kind words; I sometimes wonder if I’m just nuts writing to myself. It’s good to know that people are still out there reading.

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