
Late nights drinks and a sleepover

Such a kick

Parental guilt is no joke.

On the one hand, I try to be social so that I don’t get burnt out or feel any sort of resentment towards the kid. On the other had, I feel guilty every time I don’t spend a night or day with him.

This past weekend, saw a few friends, including Chad and the Scenic Fights guys on one night. We went to a joint near the gym and one guy brought Chick-a-Fil.

Him: I hate supporting them but they do make delicious sandwiches.

Tried my best to resist but the carbs were calling me. Besides, I already ordered an Old Fashioned with Rye.

Presently, we realized that all of us, save one, lost our dads in one way or another.

Him: I didn’t take his dying seriously enough, I don’t think. I didn’t think he’d die. And then, in the end, I wonder if he knew how much he meant to me.
Me: I did the same. Didn’t think my dad would die either. But, now that I’m a father, I can tell you this: The only thing your dad really cared about is that you were ok. If my kid hated me, it’d break my heart, yeah. But if I knew he was happy and safe that’s all that would really matter, man. That’s the only thing that matters to any good parent.

Fathers and sons/parents and kids. It’s really amazing how much we influence them.

And vice versa.

Which brings me back to my guilt comment.

My sister’s been offering to bring her kids over for a sleepover for some time now so this past weekend, I agreed to one night and the kids were over the moon.

After a particularly unhealthy night of eating, we all got up early the next day to head over to the Museum of Natural History.

The last time I was inside it was in 2018 with Gradgirl, although I swear I went there with someone else entirely afterward.

Just goes to show how fuzzy my head is these days (I went by the building myself during the height of the pandemic, but I suppose that doesn’t count).

As luck would have it, the streets were closed; it’s a pretty cool thing to be able to just wake up and walk a few blocks to an internationally famous museum.

Or run, as the case may be…

They seemed to like most of it….

…although things like the elevator were the biggest hits.

On the way back, they found an oversized Jenga set in the middle of the (closed-off) street and just sat down to play.

Ended up picking up food from my fave Chinese joint around the way for everyone before they all left.

Him: Aw, I miss them already.
Me: I have something else for us to do. Get dressed!

Because my kid loves classic rock, I brought him back out to see a cover band around the way.

Like I said, it’s nice living in a hood where everything is a block or two away.

It was way too cold to stay out too long, though.

Him: What now?
Me: One more thing, kiddo.

My old college buddy Buckley was in town with his family to get their kids booster shots – also at the museum (!) – so they stopped by for a spell too and the kid entertained their kids while I caught up with the adults.

I’d not seen his wife in ages. She marveled at how big the boy was.

Her: I see Alison in him. In his face.
Me: Yeah. (sighing) She woulda gotten such a kick outta him.

Location: the greatest neighborhood in NYC
Mood: a bit less guilty
Music: The girl that’s driving me mad is going away (Spotify)
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