
A birthday and a theme park

The kid and I, plus the Firecracker and her kid, went to a theme park together this past weekend – during a thunderstorm.

A Trip to Legoland, NY

This past weekend, I unlocked another level: I brought the kid to a theme park.

It was the first time I’d brought him to one; my in-laws had taken him to things like this in the past but this was a first for me.

The Firecracker is a huge theme park person. She used to live in Florida and would live close to Disneyland just so she could go on the regular.

We’ve lived very different lives, which is kinda what makes it all so interesting.

In any case, we got tickets to Legoland, which is just over an hour away.

Unfortunately, while the rest of the week was nice, the day we chose to go, it was supposed to be raining cats and dogs.

The night before, the kid and I went all over Harlem trying to find a poncho for him.

We ended up borrowing one of his friend’s jackets – which you can see below – just so he had something.

The next day, with my brother staying with me, the Firecracker and her son showed up bright and early in the rain for us to make the trek up.

The drive up was pretty uneventful but once we got up there, both kids were overjoyed. It was sweet to see.

They went straight for alla the rides. Because of the rain, we didn’t have to wait long for any of the rides.

And the rain came down pretty hard at times…

…but after only about ninety minutes, it cleared up.

By the afternoon, the sun was out and it was 70+. Both kids were hot.

And a lot more people showed up so we actually had to wait in lines for some of the rides.

The kids were only so interested in the displays, although they both loved the NYC stuff.

Me? I found things like the singing Mt. Rushmore stuff a hoot.

I really need to get out more.

The kid, shockingly, really wanted to get onto the biggest roller-coaster they had.

The Firecracker and her kid skipped that, so he and I went on it and, damn if that kid wasn’t having the time of his life on that thing.

He musta gotten that from his mom because roller-coasters were never my thing.

He wanted to go on it again but the ride actually broke down right after we got off of it and he was pretty bummed.

But he perked up when other rides became available as the park dried out.

He’s the kid in orange with his arms outstretched.

It was closing time before we knew it.

Me: What do you want to do for dinner? Do you wanna do something really suburby like Houlihans or TGIFridays?
Her: How about Red Robin?
Me: Oh, I’ve never been.
Her: (shocked) Well, we have to go then!

We punched in the addy for the nearest Red Robin and off we went.

Once we got there, I ordered the double burger, which I could hardly get my mouth around. It was glorious.

Plus, we just kept getting refills for drinks and sides. It was my kinda joint.

It actually the Firecracker’s birthday around then so I told one of the waitstaff and they came out singing Happy Birthday and gave her a sundae.

Her: Logan! Did you…?
Me: Happy birthday, Firecracker!

She was embarassed but I think liked the gesture.

Afterward, we made it home and it started raining again.

It was a really “family,” thing we did and I was happy for that. The kid had a great day, which made me happy.

Me: Did you have a good time?
Him: (sleepily) Yes, papa. Can do we do it again someday?
Me: Someday, sure, yeah. Goodnight, kid.
Him: Goodnight, papa.

Location: earlier today, the Emerald Inn with my brother, asking for a manly drink and fish and chips, minus the chips.
Mood: dreaming of double burgers
Music: we can’t run from the wind and the thunder (Spotify)
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