
So, I did a thing

Got engaged on Christmas Day.

Past, Present, and Future

I rushed out the door of my in-laws because the Firecracker was all by her lonesome for Xmas.

For various reasons, she’s spent a lotta Christmases alone and I didn’t want her to have to do it again.

In any case, the train into the city was standing-room-only packed and this French woman was behind me and her teenage son – who was sniffling and coughing – was in front of me speaking to her with me in the middle of them.

I’m gonna get so sick, I thought.

More on that in a couplea entries.

Her: I was young. It was like the early 2000s.
Me: Oh man, I was already in my 30s then.
Her: Yeah, cause you’re old
Me: (sighing) Well, thanks for not saying “AF” after that sentence this time.
Her: You’re welcome – but I was thinking it.
Me: (nodding)

Do you remember when the Firecracker and I went to Pasadena together and we stopped by Tiffany’s?

While she was there, she tried on engagement rings, and we talked about what she liked and what she didn’t like.

Welp, I made some mental notes.

A few months ago, I ended up buying a Past, Present, and Future ring for her in her size because it just felt like it was time.

Was just waiting for the right moment to give it to her.

While I was walking around the hood the other day, walked past a local restaurant that we love and chatted with a young woman about maybe doing it there.

The young woman I spoke to was all for it.

Her: Are you available for a quick call sometime on Monday? I would love to discuss the details with you to surprise her! We have our Skylight room available that day.
Me: YES! Thank you!

There’s a LOT more to that story but we can end that part here.

Coincidentally, both my brother and SIL, as well as the Firecracker’s sister and BIL were in town, so I invited them to come by afterward to have dinner.

It was my brother and his wife that were kind enough to come early and set up to take pictures and videos of everything – and on Christmas Day to boot.

Decided to do it on Christmas Day since everyone was free and the restaurant had time and space.

One of these days, I’ll tell you how I got the Firecracker to come along without arousing suspicions.

So, after I left my in-laws, I hightailed it back to Manhattan and, with alla my gear and bags, went to the restaurant to make sure everything was ready.

Then I went back to home where I saw the Firecracker.

Me: Sorry I’m so late. Trains were a mess.

When I first met the Firecracker felt that there was something immediately familiar about her.

I think we know our people innately, and everything else is just confirmation.

I set her apart pretty much right when I met her.

So, I figured I should tell her that in a way that was also set apart.

Me: I promised you that you wouldn’t spend any more Christmases alone. So, Firecracker, will you marry me?
Her: (nods) Yes.
Me: (laughing) Well, alright…

Note: There’s no sound in the video.

Location: Back in frigid NYC
Mood: cough-y
Music: No doubt in my mind where you belong (Spotify)
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22 replies on “So, I did a thing”

Thanks, EL – here’s to 2025 being the start of some great things for all of us!

Congratulations Logan + Firecracker! (And cheers 🥂 to never giving up hope ☺️) Indeed, 2025 feels oddly…heart-burstingly positive! 😃

Thank so much, Toni! And thanks for reading all these years. I hope you’re doing great!

I’m so excited for the both of you. You each deserve the happiness of love and companionship and I’m glad you’ve found that in each other. Hope the kiddos were just as happy. Can’t wait to watch the future unfold!! <3

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