The only heart I want
Her: You got injured?! Again?
Me: Yes. But in my defense, I’m getting injured less often…ish.
Was at the gym the other day and this younger fella, whom I’m friendly with, just ripped my arm and almost broke it.
The last time we rolled, I could tell I was frustrating him, so he was intent on winning this round.
That’s the thing; I care a lot less about winning and more about just improving in general, so this was annoying, to say the least.
Afterward, the instructor came by.
Him: Is anything broken?
Me: I’m not sure yet.
Him: (laughs) That’s the perfect answer. Get some ice on it.
So, I did.
It wasn’t broken but it was super sore and swollen.
It also meant that I had to sit around at home for about a week-and-a-half.
Whenever I can’t go to the gym, I actually have to try and eat well since I gain weight pretty much immediately when I can’t work out.
My Scenic Fights producer even commented the other day:
Him: You’ve been gaining a little weight.
Me: Wha?!
Cameraman: (shaking head) Logan? You’re outta your mind.
Anywho, as for eating well, I made a slew of roasted spicy chicken hearts the other day.
Someone convinced me to try some years ago and I got used to making them as quick and easy protein snacks.
Honestly, they taste oddly good since they’re pure protein and meat, but I get that it’s an acquired taste.
The Firecracker, for example, is not a fan.
Me: Hey, do you wanna try some of these roasted chicken hearts I made?
Her: Baby, the only heart I want you to give me is yours.
Me: But these are roasted with lao gan ma.
In any case, soon enough, the below poor food choices will all be mine once again.
As soon as I can move my arm.
Location: planting strawberries with the boys on the windowsill
Mood: ache-y
Music: But I survived I′m still breathin′ (Spotify)
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2 replies on “Got injured…again”
[…] elbow injury was the first one that I’ve had in a […]
[…] Has there ever been a thing I’ve made that you truly disliked? Her: The chicken hearts. Me: Was it the flavor, the consistency, or the general thought of them? Her: […]