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72nd to Canal Premier

All in all, everything went well

Logan Lo and Akira Bryson
(c) Cindy Lee – this pic and the one in my pictures section are the only good photos I got (send me some if you’ve got)

Despite the weather and a few hiccups ahead of time, the show went well. All-in-all, I was surprised at who came and who didn’t. Quite an eye-opener.

Still, we had laughs, we had rum, what could be bad? OK, I did send a drunken text to Blue Jean Eyes, but besides that, what could be bad? (Oh, like you’ve never done that).

Wish I had more pictures but I was far too comfortably numb to remember to take any.

We’re still working on editing the show somewhat for public distribution on Saturday so please do check in with us then?

Was thinking about my post from yesterday. You know, even if I did take this blog down and delete everything I could, I’ve still got all the online stuff I’ve done with Rain. I’d have to kill him to erase everything about me.

And we all know that I’d be the first guy the rollers would look for if he had any type of “accident.”

On that note, if anything ever happens to me, look for someone that looks like this:

Yeah…that’s the guy, officer.
That’s the guy.

Location: @8:45PM, going 80 on the 495
Mood: busy
Music: boy Why don’t you go down Find somebody Find somebody else

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(Not) Back in the picture

Some breakups take longer than others

Blue Jean Eyes and I were orbiting for a bit more but I didn’t mention it because I wasn’t sure how it’d shake out. Turns out I was right; fifteen days later, we’re total strangers.

Suppose that’s just how it goes.


There’s a new book called Send which basically says, think twice before you do anything online as once it’s up, it’s there forever. This is turning out to be very disturbingly true:

I did work for a short film, Cycle, years ago. Apparently it’s being shown someplace because I got a email from a girl asking me if I was the same Logan Lo.

Someone else said that she read about me from a random article in a local paper.

Just Googled my name and this blog showed up.

Getting a sinking feeling that if I ever look for a job (or a chick), I’m screwed.

I should re-think this blog, maybe…

Location: @3PM yest., Walker & 6th Ave
Mood: uncomfortable
Music: angel in disguise Chinese-speaking girlfriend big brown eyes

business personal


 A lot’s happened and it’s only Monday

View from inside Grey's Papaya's on 72nd and Broadway

Someone just sang to me. It was very sweet. It just happened so I guess I’ll write about it later.

Spent the day returning to my normal life. Last week was…interesting, to say the least. I think my earliest night ended at 1 AM. Here’s a brief recap:

  • Had dinner on Tuesday with a potential candidate for NYS Senator – I’m going to be his internet strategist.
  • Was out until 3AM drinking rum in the middle of the week with the third ranked amateur middleweight NHB fighter in the country. The night ended when we tried to pick fights with bigger people (ok, that didn’t happen – but just imagine!)
  • Traveled upstate to visit a burned out building and a vast tract of land.
  • Spent four hours in the gym in one day.
  • Slept a total of 30 hours for the week.
  • Got elbowed in the head (accident) and I actually saw those birds you see in the cartoons.

Quite a week – it’s only Monday and I’ve already a song in my head.

Wonder what’s in store for me this week?

Location: @11:36 PM yest., on the phone in my pad, listening
Mood: grateful
Music: It’s bad enough we get along so well

business personal

72c Promos – The Little Guy

The Standard conversation of New York

You know the drill – try and make it if you can.

A thank you to Jaerik and So_yun for some very undeserved kindness I will tell you about when I don’t have a fifth of rum in me.

It’s been quite a week; good and bad. I should write more of it but I’m beat and bending time. I will.

Got back to the city tonight and Hazel called me and asked me I wanted to go out with her and 13 women. Who am I to say no?

Wish there was some story to tell you besides countless instances of the Standard (“Who do you know, what do you do, where are you from, blah, blah, blah”) from me and to me.

There isn’t.

Still, whenever I do the Standard two or more times in one night, I know that I should go home and go to bed. Must have done it more than half-a-dozen times tonight. You should try to avoid it, as should I.

I should also try and get used to being in my bed by myself.

I’ll try.

Location: @2:30AM, 118 10th Ave, explaining why
Mood: exhausted
Music: I wish you’d take a walk in my shoes for a start

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72nd to Canal Promo #4 – Comic Books

I’m still traveling.

I was in charge of finding a place to screen 72nd to Canal and I wasn’t having much luck:

Him: Are you sure?
Me: Of course I’m sure, I passed the bar exam in one shot! I have a JD! I’m an ivy league grad! I think I know how to make a phone call.
Him: (pause) You know you gotta dial a (1) first…
Me: Are you even listening to me?
Him: Did it ring?
Me: (pause) You know I have to kill you now.

Location: I’d rather not say.
Mood: tired
Music: I find myself shaking in the middle of the night

business dating personal

What to do?

72nd to Canal promo: Abraham Lincoln

Long post. I come to you with questions. But first, some background:

Her: Do you only date non-asians?
Me: (puzzled) Most the women I’ve dated have been Asians. In fact, I’ve only dated two four that weren’t. I’m equal opportunity.
Him: Yeah, everyone deserves an opportunity to be miserable with Logan.

With nods to Mylai, I have FOUR weddings to go to in the next two months and I’ve already RSVP-ed with a date as…oh, I’d rather not say, it’s complicated. Anyway, questions for you – answers will be much appreciated (really, I wanna know):

  1. Should I call and tell them all that I’m going stag? Inevitably, I’ll have to say at least 12 times: “I’d rather not say, it’s complicated.”
  2. Should I just bring someone? Pro: no questions. Con: You read this blog, use your imagination. I’m reluctant to bring a friend because weddings are big deals – especially these weddings (man, reading this, I am an idiot).
  3. Unrelated to the above, am I updating this blog too much? I’ve had RIDICULOUS insomnia these days.
  4. Are you enjoying these teasers/promos?

We’ve got a crapload of them coming your way.

Location: @12PM yesterday, hurtling up Route 9A
Mood: disappointed
Music: baby don’t waste your time I know what’s on your mind

business personal

72nd to Canal – Teaser 3

Another commercial for our webisodes

The title of this clip is called Helen Keller.

We filmed this on Sunday and you wanna know the crazy thing? I walked almost six miles from 86th and Broadway to Canal Street and Broadway to meet up with Rain to film this.

Just had to get out, I guess.

Stop by on Saturday the 19th to watch a sneak preview of the show with us – you can find details and buy advance tickets for $5 by visiting

We’ll watch the show, have some rum and a few laughs.

You will come, won’t you?

They have rum.

Location: @7PM yesterday, getting hired on the UWS
Mood: pleased
Music: everything i own, smells of you

business personal

Teaser Too

Today is Easter and I should be off to church but I’m not feeling well. I’ll try to make the evening service. Easter is all about renewal and I could use some right now.

It’s my own fault for not feeling well; I went out last night with my brother and friends, mainly because things are going on with me that I’m trying to sort out. Too much to go into now and I’m in no condition to elucidate but I will. I always do. So last night, I both bent time and caught a cold.

Ooooh, my aching head.

In the meanwhile, Rain and I shot another teaser for the other night – we’ll be archiving them at:

I’m back to fixing mode with my life but all is good OK.

::fix, fix, fix::

Location: @4:23 AM, stumbling home
Mood: Thoughtful
Music: Do you wanna come over and kill some time?

business personal

72nd to Canal

Started a new Web-show with Rain Noe

This is 72nd to Canal, something I’m working on with Rain. It’s one of my projects that I’ve been talking about: – (note: as of 2013.01.01, it’s dead). I’ve others. However, this is the project that makes me the most excited.

No loot. No potential ladies. But there is laughter.

Well, it makes me laugh; maybe it’ll make you laugh too. If you do laugh, join our mailing list

If you don’t laugh, you may be a commie.

I started this blog and this project for the same reason; if you’ve been reading, you know why, if not, why depress you now? No worries, I’ll be morose and overly maudlin again soon enough.

It always comes down on me.

But until then, I’m going to enjoy the spring and this little project of mine.

Enjoy the clip.

Location: @2:30 PM yesterday, on 6th Ave waiting for her
Mood: happy
Music: goodbye I want to swim away but don’t know how

business personal


I’m always second-guessing myself

Just finished my exams. My brain is full. Don’t think I passed all of them but I’ll take what I can get.

It’s funny; I passed the bar on my first try, mainly because the law is fascinating to me – the law itself, that is. I find the practice of law not as interesting although it has its moments. These exams were not law related and dreadfully boring.


On a different topic, I’d like to talk about THAT guy. You know him.

He’s the guy that gets up an hour-and-a-half before the exam ends, puts on his baseball cap and whistles on his way out.

Can’t stand that guy.

If you are that guy, please know that we despise you and wish you ill. I hope a truck drove past you on the way out and splashed your Gap khakis with mud.


Who wears khakis in the winter?

I’d like to point out that I’m the other guy. The guy that’s the last to leave the exam. The guy that makes the proctor go, “I said, ‘pencils down…sir.‘” (I’m old enough now that I’m scolded with the identifier “sir.”)

I leave last because I’m always changing my mind. I’m always second guessing myself.

I do it in life all the time. Why should being on the clock be any different?

UPDATE: 20070228 01:27
When I say “guy” I mean in the gender neutral manner. Such as: “I hate that guy (or girl) and hope that s/he never realizes how big his/her butt looks in those khakis.”

Location: @13:14, in Long Island figuring out standard deviations
Mood: exhausted
Music: get this feeling I’m in motion, a certain sense of liberty